Monday 24 August 2015

A break from the internet

You wake up one day and discover that internet is no more. It's gone. No more tweeting, no more liking, no more YouTube-ing. Does this sound like your worst nightmare?

Up until a few weeks ago, I would have said: "No. Hell no. Are you freaking kidding me? I can live without the internet! What do you take me for, an internet addict who needs to be online 24/7? Pff, you're so wrong, mate." But then I spent a few weeks offline and I'll have you know... I only whined about having no internet a billion times. 

It's scary how dependent our society has become on the internet. I was browsing 9GAG the other day when I found this picture, an 'updated' Maslow's hierarchy of needs:


It perfectly illustrates the power the internet holds over our lives. It's as though This joke is becoming reality. The internet plays a huge part in just about every field imaginable, be it the medical field, the business world, schools. Without the internet, we'd basically be lost.

While I will never deny all the good stuff the internet has brought us, the doors that the internet has opened for us, I still think that it's good to leave the internet from time to time and open our eyes to what is right in front of us (It took days of whining before I finally came to this realisation.). Those weeks without the internet forced me to explore the offline world and made me realise that there are still many more adventures waiting for me. I read a book (Clockwork Prince, highly recommended, by the way) on the beach, which is something I've always wanted to do, but couldn't since I live in a country where it's nearly always rainy. I finally witnessed a clear sunset and captured it on camera. But the thing that surprised me the most is how much I learnt about family and friends I've known my whole life. It's ironic how little I knew about people I thought I knew everything about.The time for obliviousness is over, however. I appreciate every opportunity I get to hang out with them, every opportunity I get to strengthen our bonds.

The offline world has not only taught me a great deal about myself, but it has taught me a lot about my surroundings, too. I love the internet, but breaks are welcome every once in a while.

Yours faithfully,


Thursday 13 August 2015

Dragon's loyalty award | Morgana Anderson

Display the award on your blog.
It's in the sidebar.

Announce your win with a post and acknowledge the person who nominated you.
A massive thank you to Eve over at Pen & Key ~ Writing, Life and Me for nominating me. It means a lot :)

Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers.

I nominate:

1. Vanessa @ Simply me
2. Yanni @ Rude alignments
3. Booksballetphotos @ Booksballetphotos 
4. M @ The Life of Little Me
5. Maddy @ How To: Lyfe

Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

1. I've been a Potterhead for as long as I can remember. 
2. Because of my obsession with Harry Potter, I now have a burning desire to move to
    Oxford. It's not just because of Harry Potter, though. Oxford is plain gorgeous.
3. When I was little, I used to hide/lock myself up in our storage room on stormy days,
    because I was afraid of lightning and the sound of thunder. Why the storage room, you
    ask me? The storage room doesn't have any windows.

4. One day I was walking home from school, when I heard a classmate call my name. I
    turned my head to face her, while I continued walking in the opposite direction (I'm bad at
    explaining things... Please, bear with me). When I was done talking to said classmate, I
    turned my head round again and before I knew it, I walked straight into a bright, red pole.

    The worst thing is that this happened quite near the school and students saw me and
    laughed...They laughed their heads off. It was SO embarrassing!
5. I love travelling. I wish to see all countries in the world. I have a shelf dedicated to
    souvenirs I acquire whenever I've been to a certain place. Right now, my shelf holds
    souvenirs from France, England, Germany, Italy, Morocco, The Netherlands and Spain.

    I hope I'll add many more to my collection.
6. I'm extremely interested in languages. Languages connect people. I'd love to be fluent in,
    for example, Arabic and Japanese.
7. My lower jaw and teeth used to protude in front of my upper jaw instead of the other way

    around. You wouldn't notice a thing if I kept my mouth shut. It's getting fixed now. Part of
    me regrets this, because it was part of who I was, if that makes any sense. On the bright
    side, I can finally smile for pictures.