Tuesday 10 May 2016

Bad luck

What a day, what a day...

I woke up very early this morning to attend lectures. But as I was preparing to leave, I got a bad tummy ache. Really bad. After the pain died down, I headed off to school. I got on the tram, but I soon found out that I had forgotten my public transport pass at home. Urghhh of course... No problem, I'll just buy a new one. *rummages in bag* Now, guess what? I left my darn wallet in my other bag. Meanwhile, the tram driver had driven off to the next stop. I obviously couldn't stay, so I got off. I walked all the way back to my house to fetch the wallet and the pass. By this time, I'd already missed two out of the four lectures that were scheduled for today. I finally took the tram to the tube station and waited for the tube to arrive. A few minutes later, it was announced that the tube had been cancelled. Great. Excellent. Fan-freaking-tastic. I waited for more than 30 flippin' minutes. I considered going back home. But then I see something in the distance... It's coming our way! Is it... Could it be the metro? Hooray! It came, at last! And so I arrived at university after a two hour struggle. It normally takes me no more than 30 minutes to get there. I'm glad I could at least attend two lectures. What a day... 

And on the way back home, an accident happened.

I hope you had/are having a better one.



  1. Oh my goodness! That' quite a day! You probably will laugh looking back at it now!

    1. You're absolutely right, Vanessa! It makes me laugh looking back at it. The story is just too ridiculous xD.
