Tuesday 7 July 2015

Noobs guide to movies

In terms of movies, I can honestly say that I have been living under a rock for the past eightteen years. To give you an impression of just how badly I have been living there:

(1) I have never ever seen The Lion King. I know, I know, I'm a disgrace. I should be ashamed of myself. Morgana, you're such a philistine!
(2) Remember when Disney's Frozen exploded back in 2013? For some reason I missed the whole hype. Tell you what, I don't even know what the movie is about. I just remember everybody singing "Let it go, let it go. Can't hold it back anymore..."
(3) I'm 20 years too late, but I can finally say that I watched Toy Story last Thursday. And I had a blast. What a magical movie. How I regret not watching this when I was younger!

I blame books and reading for my obliviousness regarding movies. You could ask me anything about a YA book and most of the time I have the answer ready for you. But if you ask me whether I've heard about or seen a certain movie, be prepared to hear a "No, what's that?", like, 90 per cent of the time. My movie-loving friend, Bella, knows all about this. I don't have many memories of occasions on which I've told her I had actually seen the movie she had been talking about. But the funny thing is, these same books that initially turned me away from movies are now helping to spark my interest in movies. 

But where do you start if you have eightteen years of catching up to do?

Last December, Bella and I picked up the book Since you've been Gone by Morgan Matson. This book revolves around sixteen-year-old Emily who has to cope with the disappearance of her best friend Sloane. Two weeks after Sloane's disppearance, Emily receives a to-do list with thirteen Sloane-inspired tasks. She has the summer to tick everything off, but what will emily find at the end of it? It's a cute and relatable contemporary, perfect if you're looking for a summer read. But what does this have to do with watching movies? Sloane inspired Bella to put together a list of nineteen years worth of her movie experiences to help me exit my rock once and for all. I thought I'd go ahead and write down every single movie on the list to remind myself of how much culture I've been missing out on. 

Movies you HAVE to watch.

(1) Now you see me
(2) Captain America: The first avenger
(3) The avengers
(4) Captain America: The winter soldier
(5) The Dark Knight series
(6) Rise of the planet of the apes & Dawn of the planet of the apes
(7) X-men: First Class & X-men: Days of future past
(8) The lord of the ring series
(9) The hobbit series
(10) The heat
(11) Let's be cops
(12) 21 Jump Street & 22 Jump Street
(13) Snow Piercer
(14) Shutter Island
(15) Inception
(16) Source Code
(17) Awake
(18) Million dollar baby
(19) The devil wears Prada
(20) The Help
(21) Freedom Writers
(22) Pursuit of Happyness
(23) Toy Story I, II, III
(24) The Lego movie
(25) Brave
(26) Frozen
(27) Wall-E
(28) Ice Age I
(29) Finding Nemo
(30) The Iron giant
(31) Up
(32) Ratatouille
(33) The incredibles
(34) The social Network
(35) The departed
(36) Avatar
(37) Slumdog millionaire
(38) Mean Girls
(39) Confessions of a shopaholic
(40) Salt
(41) Green Street Hooligans
(42) Mission: Impossible- Ghost protocol
(43) Limitless
(44) Mama

Oh my God, that's quite the list! Looking at this makes me so excited to venture into the realm of movies. I should get started, then. Bella promised me to 'hit me so hard, it'll make my ancestors dizzy' if I don't watch these. Bella, if I haven't finished this list by the end of this year, you have my permission to do just that.

Have you seen any of these movies? If you have, what did you think of them? Recommendations are, of course, always welcome :)

Yours faithfully,



  1. Ah I love Since You've Been Gone!! Last summer my friend and I made a summer list inspired from that book, and we had a blast. And I also love movies, so this'll be great for you. Some of those movies on that list are must-sees so you'd better be excited!

    The Life of Little Me


    1. I can only imagine what an awesome summer you must have had! I'm glad you and your friend had a blast! What kind of tasks did you put on the list? And most importantly, did you complete it? I can't wait to dive into those movies! It's time for me to ditch my status as a philistine! Hope you're having a great day, M.

      Xx Morgana

  2. I love your list of movies above. They are all so good!

    1. Thank you, Maddy! Now I'm even more excited to watch them all :)

      Xx Morgana

  3. Some of those films I absolutely love, and others I'd love to see, it's a great list altogether!
    Can't wait for more from your blog!
    Eve @ Pen and Key <3

    1. I hope we'll love all the movies we have yet to watch :) Thank you so much for visiting my blog, Eve. Absolutely thrilled to see you here!

      Xx Morgana

  4. Thank you for the movie list! I am in need of something to watch currently!

    1. Have fun watching movies! Hope you'll find a new favourite :)

      Xx Morgana

  5. that's a great list for catching up :). some amazing movies you might want to check out as well: fight club, the usual suspects, pulp fiction


    1. Thank you so much, Yanni! I will definitely be watching the movies you suggested! Again, thank you!

      Xx Morgana

  6. This is so amazing, Morgana.

    Tell you what, I haven't seen Lion King or Frozen yet. And I only saw Toy Story last year because my cousin (who is six, by the way) wanted to watch it.

    Thank you sooooo much, for the list! And sadly, out of all of those, I've only seen Shutter Island, Inception, Slumdog Millionaire and The Social Network.
    Not anymore. I am going to stop being this I-don't-know-what-movie-you're-talking-about kind of person.

    Thanks, this was REALLY helpful!

    Love xx

    1. I can relate to you so well! I don't want to be that oblivious person either! I want to understand my friends' inside jokes and I want to understand the references Supernatural drops every once in a while. We can do this, Saee! I'm glad I (and Bella, I guess) could be of help :) Enjoy!



    2. Didn't you just love Toy Story (even though we're not the target audience)? I thought it was brilliant!


